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Kyrrex HelpKRRX Token

How to exchange KRRX?

How to exchange KRRX?

Exchanging KRRX on the Kyrrex platform is easy. You can use the USDT pair or the Swap feature.

Trade KRRX on the Open Market

  1. To trade KRRX with USDT, select the Trade option on the menu to the left.
  2. Choose the KRRX/USDT trading pair in the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Buy/Sell option and proceed with the trade.

Exchange KRRX for Another Token

  1. To exchange KRRX for another token, go to the menu on the left and select Swap. You can also directly click Buy KRRX in the middle of your dashboard.
  2. Once the Swap page opens, select KRRX under "From" and enter the amount you want to exchange.
  3. Next, select the token you want to exchange for the KRRX under To and an estimated amount will appear in the box that says, "You will get."
  4. Click the Exchange button to proceed.

Please kindly note, the price and estimated amounts are for demonstrative purposes only. The results of the operation will be based on market price at execution time.