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kyrrex.comKRRX Token
How to exchange KRRX?
Exchanging KRRX on the Kyrrex platform is easy. You can use the USDT pair or the Swap feature.
Trade KRRX on the Open Market
Exchange KRRX for Another Token
Please kindly note, the price and estimated amounts are for demonstrative purposes only. The results of the operation will be based on market price at execution time.
How to deposit KRRX?
Follow these steps to deposit the KRRX token on the Kyrrex exchange:
KRRX is a TRC20 token so your transfer will be reflected on your Kyrrex account after the required number of confirmations on the Tron blockchain.
How to store KRRX?
You can store the KRRX token on the Kyrrex platform or a non-custodial wallet. The exchange wallet is a safe storage option as you have access to your tokens at any time.
When you buy KRRX on our platform, it's automatically stored in your wallet. If you just wish to hold the token, you don't need to do anything else.
For added protection on the tokens in your account, enable 2FA and set a strong password.
You can also use our Staking platform to store your KRRX for a specific period and earn interest.
How to sell KRRX?
You can sell the KRRX token on the open market on Kyrrex. You can use the web or mobile app. Irrespective of the medium you adopt, the procedure is the same.
How to use KRRX
Kyrrex’s native token has several applications on the exchange.
KRRX is a cryptocurrency in its own right and a speculative instrument. Users can hold KRRX and make trades and swaps of the token based on their individual trading strategy.
KRRX as the utility token of the Kyrrex ecosystem can be used to lower transaction fees on the platform. A user who pays their trading fees in KRRX will pay lower per transaction than the user that pays in the transaction currency.
Up to 5% fee reduction can make a big difference at very high volumes. To enjoy this discount, always enable the option to pay for trading fees with available KRRX in your wallet.
You can further increase your trading gains by staking KRRX. For more information, refer to the Staking table on Kyrrex Earn
Earn is our flagship savings program where users can deposit their currency for various time durations and earn interest. You can use your KRRX holdings in Earn and increase your portfolio.
You can choose a contract period of 360, 180, 90 or 30 days at high APY rates. Lock a minimum of 10 KRRX in an Earn contract and instantly start accruing interest.
The KRRX token can also be used to earn profits from the transaction fees paid by users you refer to the Kyrrex platform. The more KRRX you hold and stake, the more the referral rebates you earn.
You can increase your rebates even more by staking KRRX.
How to Buy KRRX
To take full advantage of the Kyrrex Exchange, you need to have some KRRX. Having KRRX enables you to pay less for trades and earn more on your savings and currency locks.
Here is how to buy KRRX through Swap on Kyrrex:
What is KRRX
KRRX is the native token of the Kyrrex exchange. KRRX is designed to be a utility token within the Kyrrex ecosystem, offering various benefits and functionalities to its users.
The KRRX token features prominently in Kyrrex's mission to create a global system of financial products without geographical, legal and time boundaries.
The KRRX token can be used on Kyrrex to pay for transactions made and lower the cost of trading fees. It is also a centerpiece of our savings and earning and referral programs and features prominently in our social gaming collaborations.